This is a short film project conceived and produced in Austin, Texas.
A collaboration between
Seen and Heard Productions
Inkception Media
Behind the Scenes Photos
Pre-production workshop phone calls with both Ben "Thomas" and Gail "Louise"
We began at shooting at Louise's house.
This was a scene where Thomas is trying to put together a swing for her.
This film was written, produced, directed, and managed by women. Yay!
People chillin' in the swing.
An important scene of give and take between Louise and Thomas.
Benjamin Dane as "Thomas" & Gail Cronauer as "Louise." This was right after we filmed their goodbye scene.
Day 3: Tent City
It's hot!!
"Cat" is played by Rey. She is very calm so a good candidate. Ben is great with cats!
Thomas's good morning scene.
Thomas's rock scene
Our bully bum
Brian the wishy-washy bum
Day 4: Interior Tent Scenes and Vet scenes
Setting up Thomas's "tent palace". Ben is getting ready for the shoot.
Cast and crew's final shot! Silly photo.
Smiling photo!